The repo Command

The repo command allows you to manage repositories. Huber includes a default repository with a curated list of packages, but you can also add your own repositories to install packages from them.

$ huber repo --help
Manage repositories

Usage: huber repo [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  add     Add a new repo
  remove  Remove a repo
  show    Show all repos
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level [default: OFF]
      --github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN>
          GitHub token; Optional until reaching the rate limit of GitHub API [env: GITHUB_TOKEN=]
      --github-key <GITHUB_KEY>
          Github SSH key path; Optional, if you want to use SSH to clone the Huber repository [env: GITHUB_KEY=]
      --huber-dir <HUBER_DIR>
          Huber directory [default: /home/davidko/.huber]
      --github-base-uri <GITHUB_BASE_URI>
          GitHub base URI [env: GITHUB_BASE_URI=] [default:]
  -h, --help
          Print help

The repo add Command

The repo add command adds a new repository using the URL or file path of the Huber package index file.

$ huber repo add --help
Add a new repository

Usage: huber repo add [OPTIONS] --url <URL> --file <FILE> <NAME>

  <NAME>  Repo name

  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level [default: OFF]
      --url <URL>
          URL of the Huber package index file
      --file <FILE>
          File path of the Huber package index file
      --github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN>
          GitHub token; Optional until reaching the rate limit of GitHub API [env: GITHUB_TOKEN=]
      --github-key <GITHUB_KEY>
          Github SSH key path; Optional, if you want to use SSH to clone the Huber repository [env: GITHUB_KEY=]
      --huber-dir <HUBER_DIR>
          Huber directory [default: /home/davidko/.huber]
      --github-base-uri <GITHUB_BASE_URI>
          GitHub base URI [env: GITHUB_BASE_URI=] [default:]
  -h, --help
          Print help

The index file is a YAML file that contains the list of packages as the below example:

- name: aichat
  description: All-in-one LLM CLI tool featuring Shell Assistant, Chat-REPL, RAG, AI Tools & Agents, with access to OpenAI, Claude, Gemini, Ollama, Groq, and more.
  source: !Github
    owner: sigoden
    repo: aichat
  - !LinuxAmd64
    - 'aichat-v{version}-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz'

The repo remove Command

The repo remove command removes a repository.

Remove a repository

Usage: huber repo remove [OPTIONS] [NAME]...

  [NAME]...  Repo names

  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level [default: OFF]
      --github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN>
          GitHub token; Optional until reaching the rate limit of GitHub API [env: GITHUB_TOKEN=]
      --github-key <GITHUB_KEY>
          Github SSH key path; Optional, if you want to use SSH to clone the Huber repository [env: GITHUB_KEY=]
      --huber-dir <HUBER_DIR>
          Huber directory [default: /home/davidko/.huber]
      --github-base-uri <GITHUB_BASE_URI>
          GitHub base URI [env: GITHUB_BASE_URI=] [default:]
  -h, --help
          Print help

The repo show Command

The repo show command shows all repositories.

$ huber repo show --help
Show all repositories

Usage: huber repo show [OPTIONS]

  -l, --log-level <LOG_LEVEL>
          Log level [default: OFF]
      --github-token <GITHUB_TOKEN>
          GitHub token; Optional until reaching the rate limit of GitHub API [env: GITHUB_TOKEN=]
      --github-key <GITHUB_KEY>
          Github SSH key path; Optional, if you want to use SSH to clone the Huber repository [env: GITHUB_KEY=]
      --huber-dir <HUBER_DIR>
          Huber directory [default: /home/davidko/.huber]
      --github-base-uri <GITHUB_BASE_URI>
          GitHub base URI [env: GITHUB_BASE_URI=] [default:]
  -h, --help
          Print help


Add a new repository via a file

$ huber repo add --url self-hosted
[INFO ] Adding repo self-hosted
[INFO ] Repo self-hosted added

$ huber repo show
 Name         Url                                                                                            File 
$ huber search aichat --repo self-hosted
 Name    Description                                                                                              Source 
 aichat  All-in-one LLM CLI tool featuring Shell Assistant, Chat-REPL, RAG, AI Tools & Agents, with access to...